Using Your words to Heal Your Body

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In his seminal work, The Hidden Messages in Water, Masura Emoto created a special technique to demonstrate the effects various words have on the formation of water crystals. The water was exposed to words by speaking to the water. Then the water was frozen. Crystals were examined and photographed under a microscope.

Emoto discovered that when the water was exposed to positive words such as “love”, “hope”, or “thank you” symmetric beautiful crystals formed. If the water was exposed to words of hatred, either no crystals formed or crystals that were of a regular shape form.


This is an example of a crystal that was shown the words love and gratitude. Notice it’s very symmetrical and overall very beautiful.

Source: Emoto, M. (2001). Hidden messages in water. Atria. 

It is easy to see from these pictures that using words with a high vibration lead to beautiful well-form crystals. Using words that are low vibration lead to no formed crystals or something that’s not as attractive.

In his work, Emoto reminds us that we’re made of 70% of water. His theory is that water holds a memory of the environment in the energy has received.

Then that means what happens to the water in our body when it’s exposed to violence, words of anger, anything that is less than love?

Choose Your Words For Healing

If you think about your body being made mostly of water that is constantly interacting with your environment, this helps you to refrain how you approach your mind body and soul. On your own healing journey, how do you speak to yourself? Do you use words of kindness to yourself? Or are you having thoughts that constantly lower your vibration because they are less than love?

Healing Words

In my book, 21 Day Meditation Journey, one of the meditations captures the idea of using healing words. During the meditation, we created positive affirmations.

You can get started with this right now. In my own person practice, when I feel my thoughts becoming negative, I replace those thoughts with positive thoughts. Even if I don’t feel the thoughts, I notice a difference within a few minutes.

Positive Affirmations for Healing

  • “I provide love for myself and others”
  • “I am God’s Creation”
  • “I am as I am meant to be”

Create your own list of positive affirmations. Make it fun! Make a wallpaper on your cell phone, or your computer screen.

Programming your thoughts for positive will change the vibration in your body. It would not be good to carry the negative words in the water in your body.

You can use your words to heal yourself. Its so simple, yet effective. Even if you have to “fake it”, do it until you feel how your positive thoughts change your vibration.

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