Biohacking with Dr. Mike Van Thielen

woman stretching on ground

Maximizing Human Potential

Discover the keys to unlocking your peak performance 

In an enlightening episode of the Art of Healing Podcast, Dr. Mike Van Thielen opens the door to the intriguing world of biohacking, inviting listeners to explore strategies that promise to enhance mental acuity and physical vitality. This field, often misconceived as reserved for the elite, is demystified by Dr. Mike, who shares accessible tools for the everyday person seeking to optimize their health and performance.

Learn More about Dr. Mike Here.

Dr. Mike stresses the importance of purposeful planning, explaining how breaking down grand goals into manageable steps can significantly reduce feelings of being overwhelmed. He underscores the vital role of balancing our brain chemistry, particularly addressing the modern challenge of dopamine overload. Excessive exposure to social media and unhealthy diets can lead to an overstimulation of dopamine, resulting in decreased productivity and focus. By embracing improved nutrition and moderated social media usage, one can rebalance neurotransmitters and reclaim control over their cognitive functions.

The podcast delves into the realm of natural brain function enhancement, contrasting the side effects associated with conventional smart drugs. Dr. Mike shares his journey from heading a stem cell clinic to engaging in medical marijuana pre-screening, during which he identified a lack of purpose in patients suffering from various mental health conditions. His search for safe and effective cognitive enhancers led to the development of a standout natural supplement called Focus Plus.

5 Intelligence Hormones

  • Dopamine
  • Epinephrine
  • Norepinephrine
  • Acetylcholine
  • Serotonine

Throughout the episode, practical tips are woven into the conversation, from leveraging the Pomodoro technique to improve focus to incorporating essential amino acids and specific nutrients like folate and vitamin B6 to naturally boost dopamine levels. The episode serves as a comprehensive guide for those aiming to not only extend their lifespan but also enhance the quality of their years, remaining active and engaged in the pursuits they enjoy.

In the end, the podcast offers a treasure trove of actionable advice, from daily routines to supplement recommendations, positioning listeners to thrive in both their personal and professional lives. Dr. Mike’s expertise shines as he invites us on a journey to transform our approach to health and productivity, encouraging us to explore the limitless possibilities of human potential when equipped with the right tools and knowledge.

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