Recommended Reading

Here is a list I will regularly update of recommended readings I have found valuable over the years.

A Course in Miracles

by Foundation of Inner Peace

A course in miracles is a landmark spiritual work created by Drs. Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford. A Course in Miracles it the culminations if channeled teachings and lessons. The book is comprised of a manual, workbooks for students and for teachers. I have been studying the book, which contains one year of daily lessons.

A Modern Reiki Method for Healing

by Hiroshi Doi

This book written by a Japenese Reiki Master, offers Reiki insights for beginners and experts. This book is an excellent manual for those starting a Reiki Practice. This is a good reference for teaching Reiki. This served as a great primer for me as it has been some time since my last attunement. This book gives useful details on the individual Reiki symbols that I have not read in other places.

B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga, The Path to Holistic Health

This is a must have for your Yoga library and to keep by your yoga mat. This large book functions much like a textbook manual, and instructional text. The text gives you in depth instructions on individual poses. There are sections that offer guidance on sequencing for specific conditions. I use this book on a regular basis in my Yoga practice.

Essential Oils for Beginners: The Guide to Get Started with Essential Oils and Aromatherapy” by Althea Press.

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I have been using this book as a reference for a few years. Aromatherapy is a study that requires many years of training. I always recommend prior to purchasing essential oils having a reference ready. This book gives recipes, blending tips and most importantly safety tips.

Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field

This is an excellent manual for light workers. Barabara Brennan shares her beautiful story of how she cross over from being a scientist to a healer, She also gives wonderful guidance on working with the energy body. The pictures are beautiful and a definite go to for any energy healer.

Chakra Awakening: Transform Your Reality Using Crystals, Color, Aromatherapy & the Power of Positive Thought

Author: Margaret Ann Lembo

I read this book from cover to cover, and I know use it as a reference in my Reiki practice as well as for this blog. This book is an excellent introduction in the use of essential oils, crystals with meditation to heal and grow. This book was my primer and first introduction to the Ayurvedic Chakra System.

Food: What the Heck Should I Eat?

by Mark Hyman

Nutrition science is complex. Unfortunately, there are so many sources of what to eat that it can become confusing. Dr. Hyman’s book give a thorough review of food groups, what is desirable and what should be limited in a healthy diet. I made some change in my own dietary habits after reading this book.

God Is Not One: The Eight Rival Religions That Run the World and Why Their Differences Matter

Author: Stephen R. Prothero

I stumbled upon this book well before I would start by healing journey. The author gives detailed descriptions of the major world religions. I mention this book on my reading list for those individuals that are having the spiritual crisis that I’ve noticed in many of my patients and Reiki clients before they start they’re pursuit. The author give unbiased description of Islam, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduisim, Buddhism, Yoruba, Judaism, Daoism and atheism. If you are wondering about your spiritual home, this is a great book to start with. I found myself being able to connect with my patients better once I understood more of their religion.

One Day My Soul Just Opened Up: 40 Days and 40 Nights Toward Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth

by Iyanla Vanzant

Iyanla Vanzant is a noted author, spiritual leader, who has been on an hosted many television shows. She has published many powerful works. I frequently recommend her works that offer daily exercises. She offers real world, in the moment advice for coping with the challenges of life.


by Gabrielle Bernstein

This book is one of my all time favorites. Best selling author, Gabrielle Bernstein, offers her take on the Law of Attraction. This empowering book teaches you how to work with your thinking brain to create the life you desire.

by Valeri Ann Worwood

This reference book is a must have if you own more than essential oils. Valerie Worwood is a reputable aromatherapist who offers expert use and recipes for essential oils.

I keep this book next to my essential oils and frequently refer to for recipes and indicated uses. This book is a must have if you plan to uses essential oils in your home and on your body.

The Hidden Messages in Water

Author: Masaru Emoto

This is a lovely book written by a Japenese author who discovered that ice crystals formed from freezing water were affected by what the water had been exposed to. Through painstaking research, Dr. Emoto documents how crystals exposes to nature and loving words form beautiful patterns, whereas water exposes to pollution or harmful words form weakly patterned crystals. This theory applies to living creatures exposed mostly of water.

Yoga Sequencing  

by Mark Stephens

This book was given to me as a gift. Having completed 200 hours of yoga teacher’s training, I find that having visual references are very helpful. If you are considering starting a home yoga practice this book is very handy. Mark Stephens will give you a comprehensive reference for asana, sequencing, and even covers special conditions such as pregnancy and aging. You’ll keep this by your mat at home.